Reflection 1


I learn from books.  I learn from music. I learn from the Dicovery channel. I learn from my mistakes. I learn from my past. I learn from my cancer. I learn from my scars. I learn to feel wiser. I learn to answer questions. I learn to find out where I came from. I learn to understand why I am here. I learn to discover where I am going. I learn because understanding is better than sex. I learn because I can. I learn because I can’t. I learn because the more I do, the more I realize how truly ignorant I am. I learn to make myself happy, but then realize it only makes me sadder (Ecclesiastes 1:18).  I learn to distract myself from the superficial cares of this world. I learn because the more I do, the more I appreciate the sublte beauty of the universe. I learn because it makes me feel closer to my Creator. I learn because even if I can’t change the world, perhaps I can spark the mind who can.

4 Responses to “Reflection 1”

  1. 1 Bill

    Wow, what a profound thing to say that understanding is better than sex.

  2. I’ve learned to live life to the fullest. I’ve learned how to love and to forgive.

  3. 3 TYRONE


  4. 4 Anonymous

    I like that. Some people think that having and sharing ideas only amounts to a lot of pointless conversation — I’m not one of those people. It’s never pointless to share your thoughts with someone else because, like you say, “If I can’t change the world, perhaps I can spark the mind who can.”

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