Archive for July, 2008

I once believed in universal time. I thought, like most sensible people, that there was one, giant, God-like clock that kept the “correct” time for the entire universe. So, naturally, “right now” for me should be the same exact “right now” for a star in the Andromeda galaxy. It wasn’t until I was about 12 […]

In the article “Devoid of Content,” Dean Emeritus of the University of Illinois at Chicago and Distinguished Professor of Humanities at Florida International University at Miami, Stanley Fish, argues that most students graduating from high school or college are “utterly unable to write a clear and coherent English sentence.” Assistant Professor of writing at Syracuse, […]

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In the article “Devoid of Content,” Stanley Fish makes the argument that most students in American colleges are bad writers because they aren’t being taught the importance of form, or sentence structure, in the classroom. He then goes on to explain what he is doing to remedy the situation in his own college. He divides […]

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In the article “Dumbing down American Readers,” Harold Bloom argues that Stephen King does not deserve the National Book Foundation’s award for “distinguished contribution.” He states that King is only receiving the award because he sells a lot of books. He then compares King with J.K. Rowling, who also enjoys a high degree of commercial […]