

Now that my college composition class is over (at least my first semester), it seems the purpose of this weblog has been realized, and, therefore, should cease to exist. But, as is my nature, I see a broader purpose behind my being led to create this weblog to begin with. I’ve decided that far too long have I kept my thoughts to myself. I used to consider the thought of writing in a journal (or something similar), and be completely and utterly frustrated by the thought that, no matter how fast I could type, I would never be able to keep up with the rate at which my brain produced thoughts. (I considered getting a tape recorder and talking into it, then realized that even that wouldn’t do. I am much worse at speaking than I am at writing! I wondered if it would one day be possible to produce an apparatus that would be able to record one’s thoughts as one was having them. That would be the ULITIMATE JOURNAL.) Therefore, to try and express them at all, would be a complete waste of time, and would probably drive me to the brink of suicide, or, worse yet, homicide. But, now that I’ve been forced, by way of my English 111 class, to start writing (as one can never attain any place of significance in this world without the “necessary credentials”–i.e., a degree), I’ve discovered a sort of therapeutic quality about it. No matter how much can’t be expressed verbally, at least something can. And that has to be better than nothing at all. Right?

I’ve decide to switch focus, and would now like to dedicate the remaining life of this blog to my random, useless, eclectic ramblings and philosophical thoughts. Some of them may mean nothing to you; but, hopefully more often than not, some of them will mean everything.

2 Responses to “Freedom”

  1. 1 Ward Holsey

    You have to believe in yourself, buddy, that is where it starts. Don’t put yourself down because you have incredible talents and you are gonna go far. But writing is a very good thing for you I think and it will always help a person who happens to stumble upon the likeness of it I promise.

  2. 2 SUE

    Tye, Listen I believe in you and everything you have become. You have fought and won a battle not many 21 years olds have fought and you did it with dignity. Come home soon we miss you. Your Mom is doing GREATTTTT as Tony the Tiger would say. I hope it doesn’t embarassyou to have your Aunt post on here but “oh well” I could really embarass you with childhood stories LOL But i won’t. I love you Aunt Tiny

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