Thought 5: More on Time


We define acceleration as the rate of change in instantaneous velocity.  We call it “acceleration” when it’s an increase in the change of distance over the change in time over time (length/time²), and “deceleration” when it’s a decrease in velocity over a change in time over time (-length/time²), but physicists call “deceleration” negative acceleration because it’s a negative change in distance over time squared. Now since time is always flowing in the “positive” direction, then the only thing that makes the acceleration positive or negative is the change in distance. But what if time flowed in the opposite direction? What if time could be negative? Then, I think, what we call acceleration would then be negative acceleration (deceleration), and our idea of deceleration would then be positive acceleration. There’s no real point here; just a thought. Chew on that for a while.

                                                                  –Tye Warren, 08 AUG 2008

One Response to “Thought 5: More on Time”

  1. 1 Vicki Warren

    Hey Tye, this is your loving mother. I am at Aunt Tiny’s . We read some of your stuff and you never told me you wanted to be at “particle physist” What is that any way in Arkaznsas language LOL. We know it has to be something legal if you want to be one?????

    Write or call and tell us again about the upper right hand corner box we don’t see it ( to go to other pages). I’m doing good, getting stronger everyday, yell at me when you can. I love you very much.

    Hey this is me and I still love you and pray for you daily. Keep the faith and stay strong. Come home soon. I love this page cause I can post to you easily.
    Love Aunt Tiny

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